Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nick's Graduation From Basic Training

Private First Class Madsen Graduated Basic Training October 24th 2008. He went through 10 weeks of gettting yelled at, unrelenting push-ups, running, marching, fighting, shooting, PT, Drill Sargents, Training, and even having to eat with only a spoon because the drill sargents didn't think the platoon ate fast enough! Nick never got in trouble and said Basic was easier than he thought it would be but never wants to do it again. He said the hardest thing he had to endure was being away from his family.

During the Cerimony they called his name and

handed him a diploma, and he shook all the drill sargents hands as
walked across the stage. Then as the platoon cleared out they sang cadence begging the drill sargent to go home
to his wife it was hillarious. It was truely a proud day for Nick, and for all of us.

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